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Homeless people given tour of Padua frescoes

Homeless people given tour of Padua frescoes

First of series of art initiatives for rough sleepers in city

ROME, 23 January 2025, 12:36

ANSA English Desk



Some 15 homeless people in Padua have been given a special tour of the frescoes in the Veneto city's former medieval court, the Palazzo della Ragione.
    The visit was organised by the Asilo Notturno del Torresino night shelter for rough sleepers.
    The homeless were accompanied on the visit by the municipal councilor for culture, Andrea Colasio, and the councilor for social affairs, Margherita Colonnello. It was the first event in the cycle called 'appointments with beauty', promoted by the Asilo del Torresino in collaboration with the city institutions.
    "The opening of cultural places to this segment of the public that is normally excluded, aims to offer people in fragile situations new opportunities for social inclusion, and to represent an example of active citizenship," said the city council.
    The street people openly displayed ecstatic glances at the cycle of frescoes divided into 12 sections that offer a symbolic representation of the zodiac signs, inspired by the studies of the astrologer Pietro d'Abano, carried out by Giotto and his collaborators (1315-17), and on which Giusto de' Menabuoi also worked.
    The entire fresco cycle was redone in the mid-fifteenth century, after a fire that devastated the palace in 1420, completely destroying the vault.
    photo: other celebrated Giotto frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua


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