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Iran says Sala arrested for violating Islamic laws

Iran says Sala arrested for violating Islamic laws

'Her case is under investigation' says Tehran

ROME, 30 December 2024, 12:42

ANSA English Desk



Iran said Monday that Cecilia Sala, an Italian journalist held in Evin Prison since December 19 possibly in retaliation for the Milan arrest three days earlier of a Swiss-Iranian businessman accused of arms trafficking by the US, had been arrested for violating Islamic law.
    The General Department of Foreign Media of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Orientation of Iran confirmed in a statement the arrest of Cecilia Sala "for violating the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran", the IRNA news agency said.
    "The Italian citizen arrived in Iran on December 13 with a journalist visa and was arrested on the 19th for violating the law of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    "Her case is under investigation.
    "The arrest was carried out in accordance with current legislation and the Italian embassy was informed.
    "She was granted consular access and telephone contact with her family".


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