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Strike on Saturday could disrupt train travel says FS

Strike on Saturday could disrupt train travel says FS

24-hour nationwide protest organized by grassroots unions

ROME, 24 January 2025, 15:56

ANSA English Desk



A 24 hour national strike of Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) rail group staff proclaimed by some independent trade unions, from 9 pm Saturday January 25 until 9 pm Sunday January 26, could have a significant impact on train travel, FS said on Friday.
    The union protest could lead to changes to the circulation of Frecce, Intercity and Trenitalia Regional trains, the rail group warned.
    The effects, in terms of cancellations and delays, may occur even before and last beyond the end time of the strike, which was called by the unions CUB Trasporti, USB and SGB.
    Trenitalia urged passengers to inform themselves before going to the station about the active services through the Trenitalia App, the Infomobility section of trenitalia.com, the social and web channels of the FS Italiane group, the toll-free number 800 89 20 21, as well as in ticket offices and assistance offices at railway stations, self-service outlets and affiliated travel agencies.
    It invited passengers, if possible, to reschedule their travel plans.


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