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Serbia, 20 percent of schools do not resume classes

Serbia, 20 percent of schools do not resume classes

Teachers with opposition protests. Government orders inspections

BELGRADO, 20 gennaio 2025, 18:52

Redazione ANSA



As the school year resumed today in Serbia after the winter vacation break, classes were held regularly in more than 80 percent of primary and secondary schools. Breaking the news was Prime Minister Milos Vucevic, who warned teachers and school administrators intent on continuing the political protest, in support of the movement of university students who have been blocking numerous faculties and demonstrating almost daily in Belgrade and other cities across the country for weeks. Speaking at the end of a meeting with Minister of Public Education Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, the premier said that starting tomorrow a general inspection will be triggered in schools that, against the law, implement a suspension of classes and regular teaching activities. It is unacceptable, Vucevic noted, for politics to take place in schools, depriving children of the teaching to which they are entitled and which is of enormous importance to them. "There is the parliament, there are the squares, there are the media, that's where politics is talked about. But children must be defended from daily politics and the various disputes between political forces," said the premier, who also appealed to parents in this regard. Over the past few days, during the break in classes, the government agreed with professional unions on two-tranche salary increases for school staff, but part of the teaching staff has been dissatisfied, leading authorities to believe that theirs is a purely political protest, in support of the oppositions aiming at the removal of the current leadership accused of poor democracy, control of the media and lack of success against corruption.


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