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The Mechanics of Fortresses, a new popular pathway

The Mechanics of Fortresses, a new popular pathway

Gorizia, Palmanova, Gradisca d'Isonzo. Offer also for GO!2025

GORIZIA, 22 gennaio 2025, 20:35

Redazione ANSA



Venetian engineer Giulio Savorgnan for Palmanova, scientist Leonardo Da Vinci for Gradisca d'Isonzo, and engineer, mathematician, and astronomer Edmond Halley for Gorizia will recount the main technical solutions adopted in the construction of their respective Fortresses. A lady of the late 19th century will accompany on a journey of sightseeing and knowledge between the Castle of Gorizia, the Fortress of Gradisca d'Isonzo and the Unesco Bastions of the Fortress Town of Palmanova. A cultural-historical itinerary in the area, which enriches the tourist offer on the occasion of Go!2025.
    It is "The Mechanics of the Fortresses," a permanent and widespread popular itinerary on the application of military sciences and techniques, realized thanks to the contribution of the FVG Region. The tour, produced in Italian, English, and Slovenian, consists of 12 short narrative videos that recount, through historical reconstructions, ground or aerial images, and dialogues, these three places and the evolution of fortification construction techniques from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
    In addition to the set and costume videos, maps with original illustrations, historical insights and links via qrcodes to the videos themselves and related indoor and outdoor signage were also produced.


Not to be missed


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