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GO!2025: Fedriga, first time Culture Capital is in two states

GO!2025: Fedriga, first time Culture Capital is in two states

Bombi Gallery will become world work of modern digital art

TRIESTE, 23 gennaio 2025, 17:27

Redazione ANSA


"A shared Capital of Culture between two states is the first time it has happened and will enter the history of all successive capitals from year to year.
    The choice is already a perennial symbol for the institutions of our continent." Fvg Governor Massimiliano Fedriga said this at the presentation of the GO! 2025 Nova Gorica Gorizia European Capital of Culture program at the headquarters of the Foreign Press Association in Rome. For Fedriga, events like this "serve to make people from different languages and cultures dialogue, get to know each other, think together, and are designed for people." For this event in particular, the region has earmarked a large investment for infrastructure and transportation development, citing Gorizia Castle, Transalpina Square, the train station, and the Bombi Gallery, which will be "converted into a contemporary artwork signed by a world protagonist of modern digital art." Dwelling in particular on the inaugural day, Feb. 8, Fedriga said that "the presence of the highest leaders of the two states, President Sergio Mattarella for Italy and President Natasa Pirc Musar of Slovenia, along with dozens of representatives from European states and the European Commission, shows how the Cross-Border Capital of Culture is a decisive event for the institutions."


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