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Five identified over attack on Real Sociedad fans

Five identified over attack on Real Sociedad fans

Lazio ultras suspected

ROME, 24 January 2025, 16:45

ANSA English Desk



Five people suspected in involvement in a massive attack on Real Sociedad fans on Wednesday night outside a central Rome pub have been identified and reported to criminal prosecutors, sources said on Friday.
    Nine supporters of the Spanish team were injured, including three who were stabbed, in the attack by dozens of thugs armed with knives, clubs, hammers and other tools.
    One of the stab victims, a 23-year-old man, was seriously injured.
    Members of hardcore 'ultra' Lazio fan groups are suspected of being behind the attack.
    Investigations are continuing to try to identify other suspects.
    The Real Sociedad fans were in Rome for their side's Europa League clash against Lazio on Thursday.


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