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Kosovo: for Feb. 9 elections 100 observers from EU

Kosovo: for Feb. 9 elections 100 observers from EU

Domestic issues dominate, shadowed by relations with Serbia

PRISTINA, 21 gennaio 2025, 10:22

Redazione ANSA



The February 9 parliamentary elections in Kosovo will be monitored by a mission of 100 EU observers. As it was learned in Pristina today, the mission will be led by French MEP Nathalie Loiseau, for whom this mission confirms "the EU's continued support for Kosovo to strengthen its democratic governance." According to local ngos, the election campaign, which began on Jan. 11, is characterized by strenuous political fighting and incitements to hatred. The four candidates for prime minister-the outgoing premier Albin Kurti of the Vetevendosje (Self-Determination) movement, Bedri Hamza of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (Pdk), Lumir Abdixhiku of the Democratic League of Kosovo (Ldk), and Ramush Haradinaj of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (Aak)-have focused their energies on internal political strife and constant accusations against each other. Numerous analysts and observers are looking at these elections as a showdown for PM Kurti and his party amid high instability amid high tensions with the Serb minority in the country. None of the candidates leading the new government have made normalization of relations with Serbia among their main commitments in their program. This is an increasingly live and burning issue in light of the growing inter-ethnic confrontation, exacerbated by the recent closure of dozens of Serbian offices and institutions in Kosovo, whose activities are deemed illegal by Pristina.


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