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Boy George says 'great' to be in Rome, always love working

Boy George says 'great' to be in Rome, always love working

Artist says working on Culture Club doc and biopic

ROME, 31 December 2024, 17:24

ANSA English Desk



Boy George said before headlining Rome's New Year's Eve concert Tuesday night that it was "great" to be in Rome and that he always loved working.
    After an inspection of the venue, the Circus Maximus, the 63-year-old Karma Chameleon and Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? artist stopped by the Campidoglio (Capitol) to greet Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri.
    "I'm very excited and this is really how we should dress", he said, pointing to a statue of Julius Caesar.
    "Being in Rome is truly unexpected and incredible and I'm very happy. It's always something new, it's always stimulating. I had been away for many years, I had done my last live show here about 15 years ago even though I had returned a few times as a DJ. It's a unique emotion, Italy really is Italy" the Irish-heritage London-born artist told ANSA.
    George also willingly talked about his future projects including a documentary on the history of Culture Club and one on his life: "I really love working and I never stop. Every now and then someone says to me: 'aren't you tired?'. And I reply: 'But you must be tired...'. I'm working on the biopic, but I'm also studying and writing new music. I write every day, for me it's a bit like cooking, I have to do it all the time".
    And he added: "I'm a prolific singer-songwriter: I've released 65 tracks on Spotify but I don't stop, it's an incredible moment of great writing".
    George then joked: "I haven't slept since Karma Chameleon came out, I've been too busy...". The protagonists of the New Year's concert together with Boy George and Culture Club will be Gabry Ponte, the Pfm Premiata Forneria Marconi, the Orchestraccia and the Orchestra Popolare La Notte della Taranta.
    A live show which Gualtieri noted has "a stellar cast".


Not to be missed


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