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Jubilee: Pope highlights plight of jailed journalists

Jubilee: Pope highlights plight of jailed journalists

Francis meets participants in Jubilee of Communications World

ROME, 25 January 2025, 14:06

ANSA English Desk



Pope Francis highlighted the plight of jailed journalists and called for press freedom to be respected in his speech to participants at the Jubilee of the World of Communication event for the Holy Year in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall on Saturday.
    "I want to remember all those who are imprisoned just for having been faithful to the profession of journalist, photographer, video operator, for having wanted to go and see with their own eyes and having tried to tell what they saw," the Argentine pontiff said.
    "There are many of them.
    "In this Holy Year, in this Jubilee of the World of Communication, I ask those who have the power to make it possible for all unjustly imprisoned journalists to be freed.
    "May a 'door' also be opened for them through which they can return to freedom, because the freedom of journalists increases the freedom of all of us.
    "Their freedom is freedom for each one of us".
    Francis also made a fresh appeal for "freedom of the press and freedom of thought be defended and safeguarded along with the fundamental right to be informed.
    "Free, responsible and correct information is a heritage of knowledge, experience and virtue that must be preserved and promoted," he continued.
    "Without this, we run the risk of no longer distinguishing truth from lies; without this, we expose ourselves to growing prejudices and polarizations that destroy the bonds of civil coexistence and prevent the rebuilding of fraternity".


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